Fruits That Start With G

Fruits That Start With G - On the list below, we will show you 19 fruits that starting from G letter with they pictures and we also add a short explanations about each fruits.

fruits that start with g

19 Fruits That Start With G

  1. Gac Fruit
  2. Gac fruit images wallpaper
    Gac fruit scientific name is Momordica cochinchinensis. Gac is a fruit native to Southeast Asian region, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, China, Cambodia, Vietnam and Northeastern Australia.

    Gac have very short harvest season, they only harvest in December till January. Gac fruit commonly used as a dish on ceremonial or festive.

    Besides being used as food, gac is also used as a medicine and supplement. Vietnamese use gac seed membranes to aid in the relief of dry eyes, as well as to promote healthy vision.

    Research from scientist prove that gac contains high beta-carotene and lycopene and gac aril oils contains high levels of vitamin E.
  3. Galia Melon Fruit
  4. Galia melon fruit images wallpaper
    Galia melon fruit scientific name is Cucumis melo var. reticulatus. Galia melon is a hybrid fruit, cross between green flesh melon and netted rind melon and breeder by Dr. Zvi Karchi from Israel agricultur research center in 1973.

    Galia melon have a rounded shape, a dense netting of rough lines on the skin, and become yellow at full maturity, they are sweet and aromatic, with a special aroma and flavor and they average weight was about 1 kilogram.

    Many farmers from various countries outside Israel have cultivated this fruit, among others: Brazil, Costa Rica, Egypt, Greece, Honduras and Panama.
  5. Gambooge Fruit
  6. Gambooge fruit images wallpaper
    Gambooge fruit scientific name is Garcinia cambogia. Gambooge is a fruit looks like a small pumpkins native to Southern India but also found in tropical forest in Indonesia.

    Gambooge fruit also known as malabar tamarind starts out green on the tree and when ripens it's going into yellow.

    In United States and Europe, gambooge extract use for weight loss ingredient because gambooge contains Hydroxycitric Acid, but further research have shown that, gambooge extracts do not have a significant effect on weight loss.
  7. Genip Fruit
  8. Genip fruit wallpaper images
    Genip fruit scientific name is Melicoccus bijugatus
  9. Giant Granadilla Fruit
  10. Giant granadilla fruit images wallpaper
    Giant granadilla fruit scientific name is Passiflora quadrangularis
  11. Golden Apple Fruit
  12. Golden apple fruit images wallpaper
    Golden apple fruit scientific name is Spondias dulcis
  13. Goumi Fruit
  14. Goumi fruit images wallpaper
    Goumi fruit scientific name is Elaeagnus multiflora
  15. Governor’s Plum Fruit
  16. Governor’s plum fruit images wallpaper
    Governor’s plum fruit scientific name is Flacourtia indica
  17. Granadilla Fruit
  18. Granadilla fruit images wallpaper
    Granadilla fruit scientific name is Passiflora edulis
  19. Grapefruit
  20. Grapefruit images wallpaper
    Grapefruit scientific name is Citrus × paradisi
  21. Grapes Fruit
  22. Grapes fruit images wallpaper
    Grapes fruit scientific name is Vitis
  23. Grapple Fruit
  24. Grapple fruit images wallpaper
    Grapple fruit is hybird fruit between grape and apple
  25. Greengage Fruit
  26. Greengage fruit images wallpaper
    Greengage fruit scientific name is Prunus domestica ssp. italica
  27. Ground Plum Fruit
  28. Ground plum fruit images wallpaper
    Ground plum fruit scientific name is Astragalus crassicarpus
  29. Grumichama Fruit
  30. Grumichama fruit images wallpaper
    Grumichama fruit scientific name is Eugenia brasiliensis
  31. Guanabana Fruit
  32. Guanabana fruit images wallpaper
    Guanabana fruit scientific name is Annona muricata
  33. Guarana Fruit
  34. Guarana fruit images wallpaper
    Guarana fruit scientific name is Paullinia cupana
  35. Guavaberry Fruit
  36. Guavaberry fruit images wallpaper
    Guavaberry fruit scientific name is Myrciaria floribunda
  37. Gooseberry Fruit
  38. Gooseberry fruit images wallpaper
    Gooseberry fruit scientific name is Ribes uva-crispa
That's all of fruits that have a name start with G that we can share with you, when fruits name have another fruit starting with letter G, we will add to this fruits list as soon as.

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